Friday, November 13, 2009

Risk 'n' Prayer Night

Hello all!

I pray that God is equipping you for every good work this week.

Here are this weeks up coming events:

Tonight! (Friday)
Prayer-8pm Meet in Prayer Room for a time of prayer to our great God!
Risk Game Night to follow! Please come! Even if you don't like's all good!

Witnessing-3pm Meet in the Prayer Room to go out witnessing and share the gospel with the lost of Reno!

7pm Bible Study
8:20 Ambassadors (Apologetics and Evangelism)

Hope that all of you can come to these events!

Also, If you have any specific prayer requests that you would like for us to be lifting in prayer, please feel free to email me back with any.

Have a joyous day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

CCN Update

Hello all!

We have had a busy past couple of weeks! It was so wonderful to have you all up to Tahoe for the retreat. I pray that God is continuing to teach you things.

We had good outreach last week as well. Thank you to everyone that helped out making, the poster, surveys, and bearing through the cold!

This week:

6pm-Fundraiser for Missions at Lake St. House-come buy beanies, and key chains to support Liz on her mission trip!
8pm-Prayer in the Tenth St. Prayer Room

11am- The Amazing Race-Destination: Kenya- meet in room 324 in the JCSU. If you signed up to do this please show up. Contact me if you still plan on coming. Put a team of 3-4 people together and race around Reno scavenger hunt style while raising money to support Orphans in Kenya! Anyone can join! It will be fun!

3pm- Downtown Outreach- Meet us in the Prayer Room to share the gospel with the people Downtown!

7pm- Bible Study
8:20pm- Evangelism and Apologetics Meeting

There's a lot going on! I can't wait to see all y'all there!

I strongly urge you to speak out the truths of God to people this week. Proclaim the gospel boldly out of love.

"To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."
-Colossians 1:27-29

Have an amazing weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Don't Forget!


Please bring the Registration Form filled out along with $15 to CCN this Monday so that you will be able to join us on a weekend that you won't want to miss! Please feel free to invite your friends to come or anyone that you think would be interested in coming out to CCN even if we have never met them before. This will be a great weekend of fellowship, time to worship, and rest in God as we begin to see a bigger picture of who we are in Christ.

I will see you on Friday October 23rd at 6pm at 46W 10th St!

**If you have volunteered to drive, I will be contacting you with information for directions on how to get to the Retreat location and also whether we will need you to drive or not.

Feel free to email me or call me with any questions!

Invite! Invite! Invite!

Have a joyous day!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Get Ready for the Fall Retreatish Type Thing!

Hello all!
It has been a busy and exciting past couple of weeks! Many of you helped participate in the "What do you think makes a Christian?" Outreach on campus and it went really well. Many of us had some amazing conversations and got to begin to see how God is at work on our campus!

Right now we are getting ready for the Fall Retreatish Type Thing! We are so excited with the plans that have been made! We would love to invite each of you to join us for this awesome weekend full of fellowship, in-depth study of the Bible, worship, adventures and games! We will be going to Tahoe for the weekend of October 23-October 25th. We will meet at the Tenth St. House at 6pm on Friday to carpool to Tahoe Community Church. We will be returning to Reno around 5pm on Sunday. Registration forms will be availiable at the Monday Meetings and the cost is $15 for food and $5 for gas for your driver. Registration is due by October 19th. We are so excited for you to be able to come! Let me know if you have any questions!

Attend the event on facebook!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Makes a Christian?

Hello Brothas and Sistas in Christ!

This week we are having an outreach on campus. If you do not plan on attending PLEASE be with us in prayer for it. We will be engaging with students on campus over the question WHAT MAKES A CHRISTIAN? In our weekly meetings we have been studying true and false conversions and now have a good understanding of what it means to truly be a Christian. We would love to apply this teaching in the evangelism realm by asking students on campus what they think it means to be a Christian and then clarify in areas in which they may not truly understand.

This Event will be in front of the Knowledge Center from 11:00am-1pm Monday-Thursday this week!

We had sign ups last week, but we would love for anyone to just stop by if they have a few minutes in between classes.

If you signed up, the days and times that you signed up for are down below:

What Makes a Christian?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
11:00am DD,TT,BA BA BA BA

11:15am DD,TT,CP BA BA BA

11:30am DD,TT,CP BA BA BA

11:45am DD,TT,CP BA DD, BA DD, AP, BA

12:00pm DD,TT,CP BA DD,BA DD, AP, BA

12:15pm DD,TT,CP BA DD, BA DD, AP, BA

12:30pm DD,TT,CP BA DD, BA DD, AP, BA

12:45pm DD,TT BA DD, BA DD, AP,BA

1:00pm DD,TT BA DD, BA DD, BA

There will likely be more people that are coming, just haven't signed up, so COME! (ie. Tanner!)

We look forward to seeing how God is going to work this week!
Have a blessed week!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Events this week!

Hello all!
I hope that you are having a marvelous Labor Day weekend!

Yes, Labor Day.
So we WILL be meeting this Monday on Labor Day. It will not be a traditional meeting. We will be Prayer Walking the campus--praying for teachers, students, faculty, etc.
Meet in front of the JCSU at 7pm on Monday. Ambassadors Group and Bible Study will be combined in the Prayer Walk. We will end at the tenth street prayer room with a surprise treat to follow!

Our First Outreach!
Prayer for our Country!
Thurs Sept. 10 and Friday Sept. 11th
11am-1pm on Hillard Plaza (Quad in front of Business Building and Schulich)
We will be asking students if they would like prayer and praying for them.

We would love for everyone to join us for these events!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monday Meeting Madness!

We are excited to see you tomorrow for our Monday Meetings!

We will be continuing in the gospel of Mark for Bible Study at 7pm in room 324 in the JCSU.
Following Bible Study, will be Ambassadors Group starting at 8:20. Be ready to grow deeper in having a Biblical understanding of evangelism and its purposes in reaching the lost for Jesus Christ!

We pray that you all had an awesome weekend and are excited as we are about growing deeper in the knowledge of God, being conformed to the image of Jesus more and more each day!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to CCN Fall 2009!

Hello everyone! Welcome to CCN for this semester!

We are so excited to for our new members and to see old members again!

We have had a busy week of passing out flyers and inviting people to join this ministry on campus.

We will be at the Fall Festival tomorrow night@ 7:30pm on the quad so stop by and visit us! Every Friday we usually have Prayer and Worship @ 8pm in the 10th Street Prayer Room; however, we will be at the Friday Festival. We will have prayer following the Friday Festival, but this may end up being late. You are welcome to join us, just come by the table towards the end of the festival and we will walk over to the prayer room together.

If we don't see you then we look forward to seeing you at Bible Study or Ambassadors Group at 7pm or 8:20 respectively. We meet on the 3rd floor of the JCSU Room 324!

Can't wait to see and meet all of you!

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."
2 Corinthians 5:20

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ultimate Frisbee

Hey everybody! Just a quick midweek update for you guys. Hope you are all having a great first week of classes so far. We had a great time on Monday with our Bible Study in Mark, and our Ambassadors group had a good study on the gospel.
Tonight (Wednesday) we are going to be playing Ultimate Frisbee on the Quad at 6:30 PM. This event will be a great time to get to know one another and have some good fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Meeting Tonight!

Hello all!

Hope that your first day of classes went well!

We cannot wait to see you TONIGHT!

That's right tonight is our first meeting for the semester!

Bible Study
Mondays 7pm
in the JCSU (Student Union) Room 324
This semester we will be studying the book of Mark! So bring your Bibles!

Ambassadors Group
Mondays 8:20
in the JCSU (Student Union) Room 324
In-depth Study of the gospel, foundational doctrine, theology, and apologetics.

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. "
-2 Cor. 5:20

We can't wait to see you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

At the Starting Line

Are you ready to run the race?

Get ready...

Get set...

As the semester quickly approaches we have been preparing ourselves for the race. We have a few details that must be hashed out ASAP!

Praise God for the car wash on Saturday was a success and we were able to use the money to buy 2,100 gospel tracts in preparation for battle so that we may use them as a tool to share the gospel with fellow students and Renoites!

We have two very important ways in which you can help out the first week of school!

Tabling-We will have a table set up on campus everyday the first week of school in which we will be able to pass out flyers and promote CCN. The hours for tabling will be from 11am until 1pm each day next week! PLEASE sign up for as many hours that you can. We understand that the first week of school is extremely busy, but it is so important to meet people in the beginning of the school year!
Friday Festival-On the evening of Friday, August 28 there will be a festival in which all clubs are invited to table in a creative way along with live bands, games, etc. The details are not completely figured out as to what "creative" aspect we will bring, but we may be doing something along the lines of a quiz with candy. This is another opportunity to engage with students on campus and invite them out to CCN so please sign up for this event as well! The time is TBA.


Please email Danielle at with the hours in which you will be able to Table and/or help out with Friday Festival!

" I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it. Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."

-1 Cor. 9:23-24

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First CCN Meeting in 2 Weeks!

Hello brothers and sisters!

This first CCN meeting of the semester is in two weeks! We are so excited for this semester to see what God is going to do on our campus and how He is going to work in our lives! We have already been planning a lot of events for the semester and there are some NEW and EXCITING things happening!

Mark your calendars! Meetings will now be on Mondays!
We are adding a new Bible Study so that we may delve into scripture at 7pm on Mondays in Rm 324 in the JCSU!
Our Weekly Meeting, Ambassadors Group, will then follow Bible Study starting at 8:20 in the same room for evangelism training, apologetics, and doctrinal studies.

There will be a lot of opportunities to share our faith on campus this semester so prepare! We have been working on our calendar so if you have any ideas for events, fellowships, etc. we are always open for CHANGE (as our name indicates...haha) so please email Danielle with any ideas!

Prayer must be central to our ministry as we rely fully on God for His work to be done on campus.
Pray for:
~Tanner and the leadership of CCN
~The lost on our campus--students and faculty
~New members of CCN
~Fellow believers and CCN members to become active in sharing their faith and living their lives for the glory of God
~God's will to be done

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

-1 Cor. 10:31

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Repent and Witness Evangelism Camp

Repent and Witness Camp 2009

The Whole Team!

Open Air Preaching

Subway Preaching

One on One Witnessing

Our UNR Team just returned from Repent and Witness 2009. We had 5 students attend from Nevada and we all had an awesome time. We grew in sharing our faith, had some amazing worship, prayer, and fellowship with other like-minded believers! It was wonderful to be used by God in such a diverse city. Many of us even open air preached for the first time by the grace of God and got to encounter people from all different belief systems. Tanner had a great convo in which he got to employ some presupositional appologetics. Danielle got to use all of those years of Spanish to share the gospel in Spanish and learn how to do so from native speakers. Bryce was able to show God's grace to some hecklers while open air preaching. Ryan had some awesome one to one conversations with lots of different people from various backgrounds. Natlalie grew in boldness in sharing her faith and has a new passion to share her faith at her school in OR.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support during this mission trip. Continue to pray for the people that heard the gospel in NYC that God would bring them to true repentance and join us in worshipping the one true God!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Seen our posters or chalking?

Have you seen our advertisements around campus? Are you interested in the age old debate about the Bible? We'd like to invite you to come out on Wednesday April 22 at 7:30 PM to WRB room #2003. This event will be an open question and answer session over the reliability of the New Testament with Multnomah Bible College professor Tony Slavin, and Pastor Danny Daley of Living Stones at Grace Church. This event was originally supposed to be a debate, but we could find no professors that were willing to debate the other side! So, please come out if you are interested, here at CCN our goal is to provoke thought and conversation between Christians and non-Christians. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Bible: Absolute Lie or Absolute Truth?

Hey all, this is just a reminder about this week's big event. Remember, we will not be having our regular meeting this Wednesday, but instead will be having our Open Dialogue on the reliability of the New Testament. The event will start at 7:30 PM in WRB room #2003. Also, we need people to help chalk this event tomorrow. Bryce and I have chalk, so please get a hold of either of us if you would be willing to help by chalking. God Bless, and see you all this week!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Resurrection Week

Hey all! Just wanted to give a quick update letting you all know that today's outreach went very well. We talked to a lot of people and handed out a lot of tracts, so pray for the souls in this city! We just finished the fliers and handouts for our big event in two weeks, so please stop by and pick some up to handout in your classes, and across the campus. We want a lot of people to turn up for this one! Have a great weekend, and remember: He is Risen indeed!

1Cor 15:55

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Post - Spring Break

Well, I hope you all had a fabulous Spring Break, and have been recharged and are ready for the rest of the semester! This update is just to remind you all that we will be meeting this week on Wednesday like normal in JCSU room #324 at 9:00 PM. We will be discussing the Bible, so definitely bring yours! Hope to see you there, God Bless!

Monday, March 9, 2009

For March 11

Hey everybody! Hope you are all having a fantastic week thus far. I wanted to just give a quick update about what we are going to be talking about this week. We are going to spend the first section of the lesson discussing the spiritual gifts test I told you all about, which can be found here:
Please if you have not yet, take the test and print out the results, it's a lot of fun. Also, we are going to be discussing the apologetic arguments for the existence of God so please bring your thinking caps. We are going to need all two hours this week, so try to make it on time, or you will miss out on a lot of the fun! Hope to see you there, God Bless!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

CCN update!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to send out a quick update since it's been soooo long since my last one! I want to remind everyone of our prayer meeting tomorrow at our normal time of 8 PM in the prayer room. Come intercede for this campus and city with us, because if we expect God to move, we must ask Him! Also, we are having our downtown outreach this Saturday, meet in the prayer room at 1 PM. Our lesson this week on spiritual gifts went very well, and I hope everyone has been contemplating just what gifts they may or may not have. Have something to share next Wednesday! If you need a hand check out this spiritual gifts test:
Finally, I want to wish you all a great weekend and hope to see you all next Wednesday for our apologetics lesson on the Existence of God! God Bless!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hey all! Just wanted to remind you all of tonight's event. Tonight we will be showing the movie Expelled tonight with Ben Stein. It will be shown in the JCSU Theatre at 7 PM and will probably last until about 9 PM. This is one of our first big events, so please be praying for us, that people's ears would be opened and hearts would be softened to the gospel message and the message of Intelligent Design. After the movie we will be meeting up in JCSU room #324 to discuss the event and have a time of fellowship and prayer. I hope you all can make it, and again, please pray for the event. God Bless!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Just a quick update everyone to let you know what we have been planning and what's been going on. This Friday we have our regular prayer time at 8:00 Pm in the prayer room at the tenth street house. Come and enjoy some good fellowship and prayer time together as we intercede for the city and campus. We are going to be having our weekly outreach again on Saturday, meeting at 1:00 PM in the prayer room as well. We may have an event on Monday too, but we'll figure it out after our meetings. Finally, we are having our Expelled event next Wednesday. The public showing of the movie will be at 7:00 PM in the JCSU theater. After the event we will have our regularly scheduled meeting in JCSU room #324 to talk about the event. I hope you all have a blessed day, and we will see you soon!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Jesus Sunday

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great Sunday full of super madness and fun! Just a quick update to remind everyone of our meeting on Wednesday night from 9 - 11 PM in JCSU room #324. Please bring your schedules so we can plan an on campus outreach for February. Also, bring your thinking caps, we are going to carry our teaching from last week over into this week and see the implications it has in the realm of apologetics. We are going to have A LOT of ground to cover so be prepared and excited! I want to remind everyone of last week's challenge as well, to explore God in a new way this week through doctrine. Hopefully we'll have some good stuff to discuss on Wednesday, so God bless and see you all soon!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 2

Hey all! Hope your first week of classes was good. Our first meetings and outreach of the semester went very well and we are hoping and praying for that to continue throughout the rest of the year. This is just a reminder to you all about our meeting this Wednesday. God willing, we will be discussing the purpose of doctrine and theology in the Christian life. I hope you all are able to attend because this teaching will be foundational to understanding application of many of our other teachings throughout the semester. God Bless all, and see you Wednesday from 9-11 PM in JCSU room #324!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

1 more week!

Hey everybody! I hope you are all having a great winter break so far, and putting those evangelism skills to use! Well, there is about one week left until classes start back up and I wanted to give you all a heads up with regards to our first meeting. We will be meeting the first week of classes, on January 21st starting at . . . you guessed it, 9 PM! Again, room #324 in the JCSU. We will continue to make more headway in the direction of apologetics and begin discussing our plans for this semester. God bless, and I hope to see you all there!