Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Seen our posters or chalking?

Have you seen our advertisements around campus? Are you interested in the age old debate about the Bible? We'd like to invite you to come out on Wednesday April 22 at 7:30 PM to WRB room #2003. This event will be an open question and answer session over the reliability of the New Testament with Multnomah Bible College professor Tony Slavin, and Pastor Danny Daley of Living Stones at Grace Church. This event was originally supposed to be a debate, but we could find no professors that were willing to debate the other side! So, please come out if you are interested, here at CCN our goal is to provoke thought and conversation between Christians and non-Christians. Hope to see you there!


kalmanblog said...

Curious as to the professors contacted to participate in the proposed debate and how they were contacted.

nvn8vbryce said...

Hi Stephen, you can e-mail tanner@changereno.com for the details in this. We did speak personally to several CH professors on campus and also e-mailed the department chair to speak about this. Some of us also spoke to professors at WNC and TMCC as well. It wasn't for lack of effort that no professors came.