Sunday, September 21, 2008

After a fabulous weekend, I hope you are all geared up for an awesome week, and are ready to work for the Lord! Tomorrow, Monday 22 we are having our prayer meeting in the morning. We will start at 8:00 AM in the prayer room at 10th street. Please come pray with us, it will build you up and prepare you for the week! Also, we are having another outreach this Wednesday. It will be from around 11:00 AM till around 2:00 PM, and we will be all over the campus. Please get in contact with me if you have any questions, and would like to reach out to the lost! Finally, we are having our weekly meeting on Wednesday night from 9 - 11 PM in JCSU room #324. Hope to see you all soon, and may God bless and keep you throughout the week.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hey everybody!

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a blessed week and are enjoying the weekend thus far. I just wanted to send out an update and let everybody know that last week's meeting and outreach both went extremely well. At the meeting, we discussed many things, among them; cultivating a compassion for the lost, understanding the need to verbally communicate the gospel message, and understanding the need to communicate the sinner's total depravity to them before giving the good news. Also, our outreach went very well. We talked with many people and prayed for many situations, please pray for everyone we spoke with.

This next week we look forward to our prayer on Monday morning as well as our fellowship meeting on Wednesday night. Monday mornings we are meeting in the prayer room at the tenth street house at 8:00 AM to pray for the campus, ministries, and each other. Last weeks meeting was extremely encouraging and beneficial, so please make it if you can, it's worth the early rise! Also, we will meet for our weekly fellowship meeting on Wednesday night 9 - 11 PM in the JCSU room #324. We will be continuing our evangelism video lessons, so please come and invite friends if you'd like! Well, have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to hear from you all soon!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Outreach Preparation

Hope that everybody is having a wonderful Friday! We had a great meeting on Wednesday, and spent the time digging pretty deep into some truths presented in God's Word.

Summary of Wednesday's lesson:
We learned that the background on which the gospel message rests is that of God's Holy, Righteous, and Just character. We also discussed that it is against this background that the gospel most beautifully shines. Armed with a thorough knowledge of our utter depravity and sinfulness before God, we can gain a much greater appreciation and love for God's work of salvation through Jesus' death on the cross. We also talked about the necessity we have to call sinners to both repentance and faith, as both are necessary for salvation. We noted that John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, and Jesus himself all preached repentance, and Jesus even warned that unless sinners repented they would perish Luke 13:3,5. As the Westminster Confession of faith states: "Although repentance be not to be rested in, as any satisfaction for sin, or any cause of pardon thereof, which is the act of God's free grace in Christ; yet it is of such necessity to all sinners, that none may expect pardon without it." We also learned the repentance is a gift from God (2 Timothy 2:24-26) and as such we should not base our evangelism on convincing people, winning intellectual battles, or philosophical methodologies; but our evangelism should be based instead on passionate prayer and faithful preaching of the gospel. Touching on this last point we ended in Romans 10:13-17, and learned that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. That people may not call on whom they have not heard, and that they will not hear unless somebody preaches to them. We stressed again that our evangelism should be primarily comprised of faithfully preaching the Word of God in its entirety. We must include sin, righteousness, and repentance as well as grace, love, and faith.

Upcoming events:
Also we have several events coming up soon. Tomorrow, Saturday September 6th we are meeting at the JCSU at 1:00 PM to make our banner and prepare for the September 11th outreach. Please meet us there if you would like to help. Monday at 7:30 AM we are also meeting for prayer for the campus ministries and the lost. We will meet in the prayer room at the 46 West 10th street house. As we learned in our study we MUST be in passionate prayer for the lost, and God will answer those prayers! We have our next meeting on Wednesday of next week from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM in the JCSU room #324 so please come join us for studies in biblical evangelism. Finally our next outreach is going to be on next Thursday, so please come join us as we pray for the nation and for others. God Bless everyone and I hope to hear from you all soon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hey all! Last Friday's meeting was amazing, and we had a good turnout. We discussed a weekly meeting time, brainstormed outreach ideas, and had some good fellowship time. I hope that everybody enjoyed themselves and I'm glad you all have shown excitement for this semester. This e-mail is to remind everyone that our meeting time is going to be tomorrow night Wednesday from 9-11 PM. The meeting will be in the JCSU room #324. I look forward to seeing everyone there, and everyone please bring your Bible's and eager minds ready to learn some evangelism! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone. Hope to see you all there, and feel free to invite anyone that you think would be interested! God Bless.

Hebrews 4:14-16