Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hey everybody!

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a blessed week and are enjoying the weekend thus far. I just wanted to send out an update and let everybody know that last week's meeting and outreach both went extremely well. At the meeting, we discussed many things, among them; cultivating a compassion for the lost, understanding the need to verbally communicate the gospel message, and understanding the need to communicate the sinner's total depravity to them before giving the good news. Also, our outreach went very well. We talked with many people and prayed for many situations, please pray for everyone we spoke with.

This next week we look forward to our prayer on Monday morning as well as our fellowship meeting on Wednesday night. Monday mornings we are meeting in the prayer room at the tenth street house at 8:00 AM to pray for the campus, ministries, and each other. Last weeks meeting was extremely encouraging and beneficial, so please make it if you can, it's worth the early rise! Also, we will meet for our weekly fellowship meeting on Wednesday night 9 - 11 PM in the JCSU room #324. We will be continuing our evangelism video lessons, so please come and invite friends if you'd like! Well, have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to hear from you all soon!

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