Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Bible: Absolute Lie or Absolute Truth?

Hey all, this is just a reminder about this week's big event. Remember, we will not be having our regular meeting this Wednesday, but instead will be having our Open Dialogue on the reliability of the New Testament. The event will start at 7:30 PM in WRB room #2003. Also, we need people to help chalk this event tomorrow. Bryce and I have chalk, so please get a hold of either of us if you would be willing to help by chalking. God Bless, and see you all this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey wish I could be there so add one to your "roster"; consequently your vote on the home page doesn't provide for those who are bold in their faith, that's a rather negative and I feel liberal (theologically) outlook since as a professed conservative Christian I pretty much desire to engage a person and witness for Christ everyday.

Remember to count conversations, not conversions! :)

And, hope your open meeting goes very well, be BOLD!