Are you ready to run the race?
Get ready...
Get set...
As the semester quickly approaches we have been preparing ourselves for the race. We have a few details that must be hashed out ASAP!
Praise God for the car wash on Saturday was a success and we were able to use the money to buy 2,100 gospel tracts in preparation for battle so that we may use them as a tool to share the gospel with fellow students and Renoites!
We have two very important ways in which you can help out the first week of school!
Tabling-We will have a table set up on campus everyday the first week of school in which we will be able to pass out flyers and promote CCN. The hours for tabling will be from 11am until 1pm each day next week! PLEASE sign up for as many hours that you can. We understand that the first week of school is extremely busy, but it is so important to meet people in the beginning of the school year!
Friday Festival-On the evening of Friday, August 28 there will be a festival in which all clubs are invited to table in a creative way along with live bands, games, etc. The details are not completely figured out as to what "creative" aspect we will bring, but we may be doing something along the lines of a quiz with candy. This is another opportunity to engage with students on campus and invite them out to CCN so please sign up for this event as well! The time is TBA.
Please email Danielle at danielle@changereno.com with the hours in which you will be able to Table and/or help out with Friday Festival!
" I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it. Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."
-1 Cor. 9:23-24
Thanks so much!
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