Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Romans 6:11 Day
Hope everyone is having a nice break on Romans 6:11 (dead) Day! Just wanted to remind everyone that we will be meeting tonight for more studies in apologetics at our regular meeting time of 9:00 PM! This will most likely be our last meeting before the end of the year so hopefully you can all make it. We will be digging pretty deep into our apologetic method and focus, so bring your thinking caps and note-taking skills. God Bless everyone, and I hope to see you all soon!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday meeting
Hey all! Sorry that we were unable to meet this week due to thanksgiving and the JCSU being closed. I hope that you all had a nice break from school and were able to de-stress a bit. Just wanted to late you all know that this week's meeting will involve a lot of planning as well as learning. I would request that you all bring your schedules and please think of some really good outreach ideas for next semester. As usual, we will be doing prayer tomorrow morning starting at 8 AM at 10th street. Hope you all have a great week, and God Bless!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hey all! Hope you aren't too overwhelmed with homework as we approach the final weeks of the semester. This update is to remind you all about some of the events that we have coming up. Today, starting at 1 PM we will be meeting in the prayer room at 10th street for our Saturday outreach. From there we will head downtown to preach the gospel to the lost. This is a great opportunity to gain more experience sharing your faith, so come along and enjoy the thrill of glorifying God through the faithful proclamation of His Word. Also, we have our fliers printed up and ready to be posted on Monday, anyone who would like to help in the posting of the fliers, please contact me via e-mail and we'll get you some fliers to put up. Also, we have our weekly meeting this Wednesday from 9 PM to 11 PM in the JCSU room 324. Please join us as we discuss open air preaching and apologetics more in depth. God Bless!
1 Peter 3:15
1 Peter 3:15
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hope everybody had a good day at church today, and enjoyed yesterday's outreach. Just a quick update to remind everyone, we have our prayer meeting tomorrow, Monday morning at tenth street at 8 AM. It's extremely important and a a great blessing to start our week, and day for that matter, with God. A gathering between like minded believers for prayer is a great way to do this. Also, we are going to be continuing with our teachings in apologetics this week on Wednesday night. However, we will be touching upon science and creation, due to the talk on Wednesday afternoon. I hope to see you all there, and I pray you all have a great, and Christ-centered week. God Bless!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hey everybody!
I hope everyone had an awesome 3 day weekend! Just wanted to give a quick reminder to you all. Tomorrow Monday at 8 A.M. we will have our weekly prayer meeting at 10th street. Come and get filled and prepared for the week! Also we have our weekly meeting on Wednesday from 9 to 11 P.M. Come with your schedules and thinking caps, as we will be discussing outreaches for the month of November. Be prepared for the start of apologetics also! It should be a great and informative time. God bless!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hope you guys are all having a wonderful and blessed Lord's Day! Just a quick update, we had our outreach yesterday Saturday afternoon, and God really blessed our endeavors. Praise Him that he uses us for such a mighty and life-changing work in people's lives! Also, I hope you guys are gathering up lots of tough questions to gear up for our entrance into apologetics in a couple of weeks. May God bless and keep you, and I hope to see you all at our next meeting for a very encouraging discussion!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hey all!
Hey everybody. Hope your Thursday is going well, and I hope everybody enjoyed last night's meeting. I know I find apologetics very fascinating and I hope you all learned a lot. By the way, I forgot to mention this at the meeting, but I would like if everybody thought of the best questions they were curious to know the answers to regarding Christianity so that when we begin our apologetics lessons we will be able to answer what you consider the toughest questions. So be thinking of questions now, and give me them at any of the upcoming meetings, we will go through them all when we start apologetics.
A few reminders, first of all is our outreach this Saturday. We will be meeting at 3 PM on Saturday in the prayer room at 46th West Tenth street. The prayer room is on the bottom floor, and we will spend some time praying before we head downtown for our outreach. Please join us if you can! Next is the weekly prayer meeting on Monday. We meet every Monday from 8 - 9 AM in the same prayer room to prayer for our ministry and campus as a body. It may sound early, but I promise it starts your day off right! Finally, we have our weekly meetings on Wednesday nights in JCSU #324 from 9-11 PM. I hope you guys keep our Saturday outreach in prayer among many other things! Have a great rest of the week, and God Bless!
John 8: 33-36
A few reminders, first of all is our outreach this Saturday. We will be meeting at 3 PM on Saturday in the prayer room at 46th West Tenth street. The prayer room is on the bottom floor, and we will spend some time praying before we head downtown for our outreach. Please join us if you can! Next is the weekly prayer meeting on Monday. We meet every Monday from 8 - 9 AM in the same prayer room to prayer for our ministry and campus as a body. It may sound early, but I promise it starts your day off right! Finally, we have our weekly meetings on Wednesday nights in JCSU #324 from 9-11 PM. I hope you guys keep our Saturday outreach in prayer among many other things! Have a great rest of the week, and God Bless!
John 8: 33-36
Thursday, October 2, 2008
October is here!
Hey all, I hope you are having a great Thursday, and are excited for the weekend coming up. Just a quick update regarding this week's meeting and everything. First off, we had a good turnout on at yesterday's meeting, and we had a chance to talk with our sister Tiffany back in New Jersey. That was encouraging, and extremely helpful in realizing that we are not on our own in spreading the gospel on campuses.
The lesson for this week was a very good lesson on how we present the gospel message to people, and we all learned a lot. A couple of updates, next week we are going to have to brainstorm outreach ideas for the month of October, so everybody bring your thinking caps and schedules please. Also, our Monday prayer is going to be in my room next week instead of in the prayer room. This is due to the 24 hour prayer month, so we can just pray in my room. If you don't know, prayer meeting is on Monday mornings starting at 8:00 AM at 46 W. Tenth Street. Hope to see everyone soon, and may God keep you and bless you through the rest of this week and the weekend!
The lesson for this week was a very good lesson on how we present the gospel message to people, and we all learned a lot. A couple of updates, next week we are going to have to brainstorm outreach ideas for the month of October, so everybody bring your thinking caps and schedules please. Also, our Monday prayer is going to be in my room next week instead of in the prayer room. This is due to the 24 hour prayer month, so we can just pray in my room. If you don't know, prayer meeting is on Monday mornings starting at 8:00 AM at 46 W. Tenth Street. Hope to see everyone soon, and may God keep you and bless you through the rest of this week and the weekend!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
After a fabulous weekend, I hope you are all geared up for an awesome week, and are ready to work for the Lord! Tomorrow, Monday 22 we are having our prayer meeting in the morning. We will start at 8:00 AM in the prayer room at 10th street. Please come pray with us, it will build you up and prepare you for the week! Also, we are having another outreach this Wednesday. It will be from around 11:00 AM till around 2:00 PM, and we will be all over the campus. Please get in contact with me if you have any questions, and would like to reach out to the lost! Finally, we are having our weekly meeting on Wednesday night from 9 - 11 PM in JCSU room #324. Hope to see you all soon, and may God bless and keep you throughout the week.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hey everybody!
Hey everyone! Hope you all had a blessed week and are enjoying the weekend thus far. I just wanted to send out an update and let everybody know that last week's meeting and outreach both went extremely well. At the meeting, we discussed many things, among them; cultivating a compassion for the lost, understanding the need to verbally communicate the gospel message, and understanding the need to communicate the sinner's total depravity to them before giving the good news. Also, our outreach went very well. We talked with many people and prayed for many situations, please pray for everyone we spoke with.
This next week we look forward to our prayer on Monday morning as well as our fellowship meeting on Wednesday night. Monday mornings we are meeting in the prayer room at the tenth street house at 8:00 AM to pray for the campus, ministries, and each other. Last weeks meeting was extremely encouraging and beneficial, so please make it if you can, it's worth the early rise! Also, we will meet for our weekly fellowship meeting on Wednesday night 9 - 11 PM in the JCSU room #324. We will be continuing our evangelism video lessons, so please come and invite friends if you'd like! Well, have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to hear from you all soon!
This next week we look forward to our prayer on Monday morning as well as our fellowship meeting on Wednesday night. Monday mornings we are meeting in the prayer room at the tenth street house at 8:00 AM to pray for the campus, ministries, and each other. Last weeks meeting was extremely encouraging and beneficial, so please make it if you can, it's worth the early rise! Also, we will meet for our weekly fellowship meeting on Wednesday night 9 - 11 PM in the JCSU room #324. We will be continuing our evangelism video lessons, so please come and invite friends if you'd like! Well, have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to hear from you all soon!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Outreach Preparation
Hope that everybody is having a wonderful Friday! We had a great meeting on Wednesday, and spent the time digging pretty deep into some truths presented in God's Word.
Summary of Wednesday's lesson:
We learned that the background on which the gospel message rests is that of God's Holy, Righteous, and Just character. We also discussed that it is against this background that the gospel most beautifully shines. Armed with a thorough knowledge of our utter depravity and sinfulness before God, we can gain a much greater appreciation and love for God's work of salvation through Jesus' death on the cross. We also talked about the necessity we have to call sinners to both repentance and faith, as both are necessary for salvation. We noted that John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, and Jesus himself all preached repentance, and Jesus even warned that unless sinners repented they would perish Luke 13:3,5. As the Westminster Confession of faith states: "Although repentance be not to be rested in, as any satisfaction for sin, or any cause of pardon thereof, which is the act of God's free grace in Christ; yet it is of such necessity to all sinners, that none may expect pardon without it." We also learned the repentance is a gift from God (2 Timothy 2:24-26) and as such we should not base our evangelism on convincing people, winning intellectual battles, or philosophical methodologies; but our evangelism should be based instead on passionate prayer and faithful preaching of the gospel. Touching on this last point we ended in Romans 10:13-17, and learned that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. That people may not call on whom they have not heard, and that they will not hear unless somebody preaches to them. We stressed again that our evangelism should be primarily comprised of faithfully preaching the Word of God in its entirety. We must include sin, righteousness, and repentance as well as grace, love, and faith.
Upcoming events:
Also we have several events coming up soon. Tomorrow, Saturday September 6th we are meeting at the JCSU at 1:00 PM to make our banner and prepare for the September 11th outreach. Please meet us there if you would like to help. Monday at 7:30 AM we are also meeting for prayer for the campus ministries and the lost. We will meet in the prayer room at the 46 West 10th street house. As we learned in our study we MUST be in passionate prayer for the lost, and God will answer those prayers! We have our next meeting on Wednesday of next week from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM in the JCSU room #324 so please come join us for studies in biblical evangelism. Finally our next outreach is going to be on next Thursday, so please come join us as we pray for the nation and for others. God Bless everyone and I hope to hear from you all soon!
Summary of Wednesday's lesson:
We learned that the background on which the gospel message rests is that of God's Holy, Righteous, and Just character. We also discussed that it is against this background that the gospel most beautifully shines. Armed with a thorough knowledge of our utter depravity and sinfulness before God, we can gain a much greater appreciation and love for God's work of salvation through Jesus' death on the cross. We also talked about the necessity we have to call sinners to both repentance and faith, as both are necessary for salvation. We noted that John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, and Jesus himself all preached repentance, and Jesus even warned that unless sinners repented they would perish Luke 13:3,5. As the Westminster Confession of faith states: "Although repentance be not to be rested in, as any satisfaction for sin, or any cause of pardon thereof, which is the act of God's free grace in Christ; yet it is of such necessity to all sinners, that none may expect pardon without it." We also learned the repentance is a gift from God (2 Timothy 2:24-26) and as such we should not base our evangelism on convincing people, winning intellectual battles, or philosophical methodologies; but our evangelism should be based instead on passionate prayer and faithful preaching of the gospel. Touching on this last point we ended in Romans 10:13-17, and learned that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. That people may not call on whom they have not heard, and that they will not hear unless somebody preaches to them. We stressed again that our evangelism should be primarily comprised of faithfully preaching the Word of God in its entirety. We must include sin, righteousness, and repentance as well as grace, love, and faith.
Upcoming events:
Also we have several events coming up soon. Tomorrow, Saturday September 6th we are meeting at the JCSU at 1:00 PM to make our banner and prepare for the September 11th outreach. Please meet us there if you would like to help. Monday at 7:30 AM we are also meeting for prayer for the campus ministries and the lost. We will meet in the prayer room at the 46 West 10th street house. As we learned in our study we MUST be in passionate prayer for the lost, and God will answer those prayers! We have our next meeting on Wednesday of next week from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM in the JCSU room #324 so please come join us for studies in biblical evangelism. Finally our next outreach is going to be on next Thursday, so please come join us as we pray for the nation and for others. God Bless everyone and I hope to hear from you all soon!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hey all! Last Friday's meeting was amazing, and we had a good turnout. We discussed a weekly meeting time, brainstormed outreach ideas, and had some good fellowship time. I hope that everybody enjoyed themselves and I'm glad you all have shown excitement for this semester. This e-mail is to remind everyone that our meeting time is going to be tomorrow night Wednesday from 9-11 PM. The meeting will be in the JCSU room #324. I look forward to seeing everyone there, and everyone please bring your Bible's and eager minds ready to learn some evangelism! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone. Hope to see you all there, and feel free to invite anyone that you think would be interested! God Bless.
Hebrews 4:14-16
Hebrews 4:14-16
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Meeting Place and time
Hope everybody's classes are going well this week. I want to thank all of you who responded in a timely manner to the last update, I really appreciate it. Officially we are having the meeting this Friday, August 29 at 7:00 pm. After receiving the input from everyone it seemed that 7:00 would work best. We will meet in the JCSU room #420 which is the corner board room. Please everyone again bring your schedules, some money if you want food, and your thinking caps! Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing you all there. Please let me know if you cannot attend. God Bless and see you all in a couple of days!
Monday, August 25, 2008
First meeting of Fall 2008
Hey everybody! I hope you all had a good move in and are ready for the new semester. Hopefully classes are going well so far for everybody and nobody is quite overwhelmed yet. This update is to let you all know that our first meeting is going to be this Friday night at 7:00 or 8:00 pm. The location will most likely be somewhere at the JCSU, but this may change depending on hours for the food places. I hope that everyone can attend, and please bring your schedules so we can start planning our weekly fellowship meetings as well as outreaches. Please bring some money for food and refreshments as well. Also please everyone bring a mind that is ready to Brainstorm! We are going to be discussing a lot of different ideas for outreaches and the upcoming semester.
Your job is to let me know what time would be best for you: 7:00 or 8:00 in an e-mail. Also please let me know if you cannot attend, so we can figure out about how many people to expect. I will send you all an update with the final time and place a little later in the week. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments whatsoever. For now, God Bless and good luck with the first week of classes!
1 Peter 1:13-16
Your job is to let me know what time would be best for you: 7:00 or 8:00 in an e-mail. Also please let me know if you cannot attend, so we can figure out about how many people to expect. I will send you all an update with the final time and place a little later in the week. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments whatsoever. For now, God Bless and good luck with the first week of classes!
1 Peter 1:13-16
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Gearing Up for Fall 2008
Hey everybody! I hope that everybody's summer has gone well. I personally can't wait to get back to Reno, and hear how God has been shaping you all through mission trips and everything else. Well, the beginning of the new semester is just a couple weeks away, and we are beginning to prepare for CCN's first full semester on the UNR campus! It's very exciting, and I hope that all of you are excited as well.
Due to the fact that we are a newer campus organization and the record number of new students coming in this semester, the first couple of weeks are going to be pretty heavy on promoting CCN on campus. Hopefully we will be able to set up tables during the first couple of weeks, and promote during the club rush times. We'll get the details ironed out, but I am definitely going to need help promoting, running tables etc. so any volunteers would be much appreciated. That said, I know that God will lead us in an edifying and God glorifying semester as long as we keep our sights focused on him!
Also, many of our brothers and sisters in Christ and at Repent and Witness Evangelism Camp in New York as I type this. If you could pray for them, and that God would bless their endeavors that would be great! Also if you would like to pray for CCN on the UNR campus please do so! We know that we cannot do anything apart from God's grace, mercy, and blessing on our lives, so your prayers are much appreciated!
Finally, please e-mail me if you have any outreach ideas, would like to volunteer at all, prayer requests, or would just like to catch me up on how God has been working this summer! I look forward to a semester of serving both you and Christ, God Bless!
Due to the fact that we are a newer campus organization and the record number of new students coming in this semester, the first couple of weeks are going to be pretty heavy on promoting CCN on campus. Hopefully we will be able to set up tables during the first couple of weeks, and promote during the club rush times. We'll get the details ironed out, but I am definitely going to need help promoting, running tables etc. so any volunteers would be much appreciated. That said, I know that God will lead us in an edifying and God glorifying semester as long as we keep our sights focused on him!
Also, many of our brothers and sisters in Christ and at Repent and Witness Evangelism Camp in New York as I type this. If you could pray for them, and that God would bless their endeavors that would be great! Also if you would like to pray for CCN on the UNR campus please do so! We know that we cannot do anything apart from God's grace, mercy, and blessing on our lives, so your prayers are much appreciated!
Finally, please e-mail me if you have any outreach ideas, would like to volunteer at all, prayer requests, or would just like to catch me up on how God has been working this summer! I look forward to a semester of serving both you and Christ, God Bless!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hey everyone!
Hope you are all having a great summer so far! I just wanted to do a blog update since it has been about a month since my last one. A few of you have been keeping in touch which is great. I pray that everybody is having a summer of seeking after God and growing in godliness and holiness. I've been reviewing much of the evangelism materials that we will be using next semester, and I just want to say that I am REALLY excited to start the new semester and help change our campus for Christ!
Also, this update is to hound you a bit. Has everybody started reading their Way of the Master books yet? Nearly a month has gone by, and the summer will end before we know it and I just want to make sure that we all have a solid foundation before we spring into action next semester. Remember that when you grabbed one you also promised to read it! :P As you read it please e-mail me updates on how you are liking it and how you have been doing this summer. I'd love to hear from all of you!
Finally I'd like to give some words of encouragement from the scriptures. I know many of us have friends and family that are not saved. We interact with unsaved people on a daily basis, both people close to us as well as complete strangers. I pray that God would use us all this summer to be soul winners and influence peoples' eternities. As you get equipped from The Way of the Master and The Bible, take a step out in faith and engage people in conversations about their eternal destinies.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 (NKJV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,
19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Paul tells us in 2 different ways how God has now given us the ministry of reconciliation, and bringing people to Christ. God has ordained that it is through us that people shall be saved. We are also called Christ's ambassadors, and God will plead with others through us! Isn't that amazing, God pleads through us if we will simply step out in faith and do as he has commanded. We can be God's tool and instrument for bringing others to Christ, for helping them to inherit eternal life. I pray that we will all have safe and godly breaks, and that we will come back to UNR next semester with a fire and passion for God that cannot be squelched. Keep in touch everyone and God Bless!
Also, this update is to hound you a bit. Has everybody started reading their Way of the Master books yet? Nearly a month has gone by, and the summer will end before we know it and I just want to make sure that we all have a solid foundation before we spring into action next semester. Remember that when you grabbed one you also promised to read it! :P As you read it please e-mail me updates on how you are liking it and how you have been doing this summer. I'd love to hear from all of you!
Finally I'd like to give some words of encouragement from the scriptures. I know many of us have friends and family that are not saved. We interact with unsaved people on a daily basis, both people close to us as well as complete strangers. I pray that God would use us all this summer to be soul winners and influence peoples' eternities. As you get equipped from The Way of the Master and The Bible, take a step out in faith and engage people in conversations about their eternal destinies.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 (NKJV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,
19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Paul tells us in 2 different ways how God has now given us the ministry of reconciliation, and bringing people to Christ. God has ordained that it is through us that people shall be saved. We are also called Christ's ambassadors, and God will plead with others through us! Isn't that amazing, God pleads through us if we will simply step out in faith and do as he has commanded. We can be God's tool and instrument for bringing others to Christ, for helping them to inherit eternal life. I pray that we will all have safe and godly breaks, and that we will come back to UNR next semester with a fire and passion for God that cannot be squelched. Keep in touch everyone and God Bless!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
CCN is officially ASUN recognized!
Hey everyone! I hope you are having a decent weekend, and really putting in the hours of studying before finals! Just wanted to give a quick update, and let everyone know that as of yesterday, CCN has become an officially ASUN recognized organization at UNR! Praise God! So we are set for next year and we will only have to worry about getting more people to come out to the fellowships, and our outreaches. I hope that you all are doing well on finals, and digging into God's Word daily. God Bless!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hey all! Great first meeting tonight. I hope all of you were encouraged and excited for the future of CCN on the UNR campus. In case you couldn't make it tonight, we discussed some relevant statistics and scriptures to the ministry.
-150,000 people die everyday which is 2 people ever second. Every second of the day 2 people pass from here into eternity.
-Only 2% of professing Christians share their faith on a regular basis.
- 90% of men who claim to be born-again Christians have never shared their faith, no not once.
In light of these statistics we asked the question "Where do nonbelievers go when they die?" The answer is Hell. We took a look at Revelation 20:11-15 to affirm this belief. We determined that these people need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they can receive him as their Lord and Savior. We then took a look at what the scriptures affirm that the gospel is. Based on Mark 1:14-15 and Luke 13:3-5 we determined that the gospel call is both repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We must call men to repent, as the Lord demands for salvation. "And the times of this ignorance God winked at (overlooked): but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent." (Acts 17:30) That is all men everywhere, meaning everybody. Finally we looked at Ezekiel 33:11, 1Timothy 2:4, and 2Peter 3:9 to see God's desire for the lost. We determined from here that it is God's desire for all to come to repentance and saving faith in Jesus Christ. That he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
Then we briefly went over the style of CCN's weekly fellowships so that we could get a feel for how interactive they are. We discussed briefly ideas for some outreaches and made the point that through all of this we desire UNITY for the body of Christ and that we work together we other campus ministries and not in competition.
Again I was really encouraged by tonight's fellowship, and I hope everybody else was too. We will not be able to meet again until next semester, but we are going to stay in contact and keep everybody updated through this blog. If you missed the meeting and have any other questions, let me know, and be sure to let your friends who would be interested to know as well. God Bless!
-150,000 people die everyday which is 2 people ever second. Every second of the day 2 people pass from here into eternity.
-Only 2% of professing Christians share their faith on a regular basis.
- 90% of men who claim to be born-again Christians have never shared their faith, no not once.
In light of these statistics we asked the question "Where do nonbelievers go when they die?" The answer is Hell. We took a look at Revelation 20:11-15 to affirm this belief. We determined that these people need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they can receive him as their Lord and Savior. We then took a look at what the scriptures affirm that the gospel is. Based on Mark 1:14-15 and Luke 13:3-5 we determined that the gospel call is both repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We must call men to repent, as the Lord demands for salvation. "And the times of this ignorance God winked at (overlooked): but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent." (Acts 17:30) That is all men everywhere, meaning everybody. Finally we looked at Ezekiel 33:11, 1Timothy 2:4, and 2Peter 3:9 to see God's desire for the lost. We determined from here that it is God's desire for all to come to repentance and saving faith in Jesus Christ. That he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
Then we briefly went over the style of CCN's weekly fellowships so that we could get a feel for how interactive they are. We discussed briefly ideas for some outreaches and made the point that through all of this we desire UNITY for the body of Christ and that we work together we other campus ministries and not in competition.
Again I was really encouraged by tonight's fellowship, and I hope everybody else was too. We will not be able to meet again until next semester, but we are going to stay in contact and keep everybody updated through this blog. If you missed the meeting and have any other questions, let me know, and be sure to let your friends who would be interested to know as well. God Bless!
Monday, May 5, 2008
CCN's first official meeting
Hey everybody! I hope that you all are doing good, and that everything is going well in preparation for finals week. This update is just to let everybody know that we are still pending official status, but have been authorized to hold a meeting in the meantime. The meeting information is as follows:
When: This Wednesday May 7th at 7:00 PM
Where: Joe Crowley Student Union (JCSU) Room # 323
Why: Learn what CCN is about, our goals for UNR and Reno, and meet the other members
Please contact me at:
if you need additional information, or cannot make it. Please also invite anybody that you think would be interested in evangelism on and around campus. Also, I will be providing a book that discusses the evangelism that we will be teaching and the biblical basis for it. I desire that anybody who is interested get one of these books from me at the meeting, and prayerfully read it over the summer break. I hope and pray that you all can make it to the meeting, and again let me know if you have any questions. God Bless!
When: This Wednesday May 7th at 7:00 PM
Where: Joe Crowley Student Union (JCSU) Room # 323
Why: Learn what CCN is about, our goals for UNR and Reno, and meet the other members
Please contact me at:
if you need additional information, or cannot make it. Please also invite anybody that you think would be interested in evangelism on and around campus. Also, I will be providing a book that discusses the evangelism that we will be teaching and the biblical basis for it. I desire that anybody who is interested get one of these books from me at the meeting, and prayerfully read it over the summer break. I hope and pray that you all can make it to the meeting, and again let me know if you have any questions. God Bless!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
CCN at UNR is pending!
Hey everybody! We have recently met all the requirements for an organization application through ASUN and we are awaiting approval by the Clubs and Organization's Board and by the Senate. Hopefully we will get approved soon and we could maybe meet 1 or 2 times before the end of the year. If you did not receive an e-mail to join and you are interested, let me know so I can send you an invite.
In case you haven't heard, CHANGE Collegian Network (CCN) is a ministry, which trains Christian college students to share their faith biblically, effectively, boldly, and proactively on their campus through weekly training fellowships and outreaches. We also do studies in the area of apologetics in an effort to equip Christians to defend their faith boldly on campus. We want to make Christ famous! Ideally, we would work in tandem with the other Christian clubs and organizations on campus to create well-rounded and on fire Christians. If you want to learn to share and defend your faith, and learn how to respond to that intellectual who seems to have all the right answers, then check us out! Please keep checking back for more updates, as once we become officially ASUN recognized we will try and set up a meeting time and date. Blessings!
In case you haven't heard, CHANGE Collegian Network (CCN) is a ministry, which trains Christian college students to share their faith biblically, effectively, boldly, and proactively on their campus through weekly training fellowships and outreaches. We also do studies in the area of apologetics in an effort to equip Christians to defend their faith boldly on campus. We want to make Christ famous! Ideally, we would work in tandem with the other Christian clubs and organizations on campus to create well-rounded and on fire Christians. If you want to learn to share and defend your faith, and learn how to respond to that intellectual who seems to have all the right answers, then check us out! Please keep checking back for more updates, as once we become officially ASUN recognized we will try and set up a meeting time and date. Blessings!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Welcome to the CHANGE Collegian Network - UNR Chapter

Did you know that according to the late Dr. Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, "Only 2% of believers in America regularly share their faith in Christ with others." Newlife (pg 65)
Are you part of that 2%?
If not, you can be! Get equipped to share your faith with everyone from atheists to devout Hindus, and learn how you can be obedient to our most sobering task...
Also, grow in your Christian faith by learning about your God in our Bible study fellowships! We love the Lord and His Word, so please come out and join us!
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." - Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15)
We're here to tell you how to do it!
Check back for more information about CCN UNR!
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