Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey all!

Hey everybody. Hope your Thursday is going well, and I hope everybody enjoyed last night's meeting. I know I find apologetics very fascinating and I hope you all learned a lot. By the way, I forgot to mention this at the meeting, but I would like if everybody thought of the best questions they were curious to know the answers to regarding Christianity so that when we begin our apologetics lessons we will be able to answer what you consider the toughest questions. So be thinking of questions now, and give me them at any of the upcoming meetings, we will go through them all when we start apologetics.

A few reminders, first of all is our outreach this Saturday. We will be meeting at 3 PM on Saturday in the prayer room at 46th West Tenth street. The prayer room is on the bottom floor, and we will spend some time praying before we head downtown for our outreach. Please join us if you can! Next is the weekly prayer meeting on Monday. We meet every Monday from 8 - 9 AM in the same prayer room to prayer for our ministry and campus as a body. It may sound early, but I promise it starts your day off right! Finally, we have our weekly meetings on Wednesday nights in JCSU #324 from 9-11 PM. I hope you guys keep our Saturday outreach in prayer among many other things! Have a great rest of the week, and God Bless!

John 8: 33-36

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