Friday, November 13, 2009

Risk 'n' Prayer Night

Hello all!

I pray that God is equipping you for every good work this week.

Here are this weeks up coming events:

Tonight! (Friday)
Prayer-8pm Meet in Prayer Room for a time of prayer to our great God!
Risk Game Night to follow! Please come! Even if you don't like's all good!

Witnessing-3pm Meet in the Prayer Room to go out witnessing and share the gospel with the lost of Reno!

7pm Bible Study
8:20 Ambassadors (Apologetics and Evangelism)

Hope that all of you can come to these events!

Also, If you have any specific prayer requests that you would like for us to be lifting in prayer, please feel free to email me back with any.

Have a joyous day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

CCN Update

Hello all!

We have had a busy past couple of weeks! It was so wonderful to have you all up to Tahoe for the retreat. I pray that God is continuing to teach you things.

We had good outreach last week as well. Thank you to everyone that helped out making, the poster, surveys, and bearing through the cold!

This week:

6pm-Fundraiser for Missions at Lake St. House-come buy beanies, and key chains to support Liz on her mission trip!
8pm-Prayer in the Tenth St. Prayer Room

11am- The Amazing Race-Destination: Kenya- meet in room 324 in the JCSU. If you signed up to do this please show up. Contact me if you still plan on coming. Put a team of 3-4 people together and race around Reno scavenger hunt style while raising money to support Orphans in Kenya! Anyone can join! It will be fun!

3pm- Downtown Outreach- Meet us in the Prayer Room to share the gospel with the people Downtown!

7pm- Bible Study
8:20pm- Evangelism and Apologetics Meeting

There's a lot going on! I can't wait to see all y'all there!

I strongly urge you to speak out the truths of God to people this week. Proclaim the gospel boldly out of love.

"To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."
-Colossians 1:27-29

Have an amazing weekend!